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Friday, June 8, 2012

its been a while!

Hey friends, Im sorry I have been away... Ive been taking summer classes and doing horse related things! I know everyone is heart broken about Ill Have Another scratching from the Belmont, but everyone should be happy. Why? These creatures are so fragile, and maybe this was an injury that had been underlying for a while. Maybe the horse racing gods were saving his life by letting the injury come into light, maybe he is such a special horse that the horse racing gods wanted him to live a happy life , make beautiful foals and let his legacy and his father's legacy pass on for years to come. I volunteer at a local therapeutic riding academy as a barn cleaner, stall cleaner and side walker( walk beside rider to prevent fall)... and its given me a new insight into horses. Watching on tv they seem so sturdy and well built and it is almost hard to believe they can have flaws and get injured easy. I have been able to get up and close with horses at this riding academy and I have seen these creatures look fragile. Look at a horse's leg up close and imagine it holding several hundred pounds , running 40 mph ... imagine that little fragile looking leg , holding all of that weight and it will astound you. These arent race horses of course but still... I know everyone wants a triple crown, and it has almost become an obsession of some sort but what if its not meant to be? I am not going into details because its late but maybe horses today arent bred for it, and maybe we are breeding more for speed and less for soundness and conformation.. Ill Have Another had a beautiful conformation but there are some horses out there that look like ticking time bombs, waiting for an injury to occur. Ill blog about this idea later, but until then, think about it... are horses bred for this grueling challenge? Are they bred for soundness and less for speed?....
I think I know the answer..... what about you?

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