Hey friends, Im sorry I have been away... Ive been taking summer classes and doing horse related things! I know everyone is heart broken about Ill Have Another scratching from the Belmont, but everyone should be happy. Why? These creatures are so fragile, and maybe this was an injury that had been underlying for a while. Maybe the horse racing gods were saving his life by letting the injury come into light, maybe he is such a special horse that the horse racing gods wanted him to live a happy life , make beautiful foals and let his legacy and his father's legacy pass on for years to come. I volunteer at a local therapeutic riding academy as a barn cleaner, stall cleaner and side walker( walk beside rider to prevent fall)... and its given me a new insight into horses. Watching on tv they seem so sturdy and well built and it is almost hard to believe they can have flaws and get injured easy. I have been able to get up and close with horses at this riding academy and I have seen these creatures look fragile. Look at a horse's leg up close and imagine it holding several hundred pounds , running 40 mph ... imagine that little fragile looking leg , holding all of that weight and it will astound you. These arent race horses of course but still... I know everyone wants a triple crown, and it has almost become an obsession of some sort but what if its not meant to be? I am not going into details because its late but maybe horses today arent bred for it, and maybe we are breeding more for speed and less for soundness and conformation.. Ill Have Another had a beautiful conformation but there are some horses out there that look like ticking time bombs, waiting for an injury to occur. Ill blog about this idea later, but until then, think about it... are horses bred for this grueling challenge? Are they bred for soundness and less for speed?....
I think I know the answer..... what about you?
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Friday, June 8, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
Triple Crown 2012... YES!!!
"And Ill have Another wins the Preakness"... as I heard those words on TV, I found myself nearly falling to my knees, in amazement of what I had just witnessed. A horse, who was 15-1 in the derby and 3-1 in the Preakness had just captured the first two jewels of the elusive Triple Crown that has evaded the racing world for 34 years. I admit, after the derby I was one of the many who left thinking " no crown this year, this horse is a fluke".. I was at the derby this year and I had picked Bodemeister to win... and Union Rags to challenge him but I guess things werent going in their favor that day. It was hot, but I think this horse , Ill Have Another was one of those talented athletes who was under the radar. I watched his Santa Anita Derby and I was impressed but I did not think this horse was a horse who could now be our hope for the Triple Crown. I picked Union Rags because he was huge psysically... he was nearly 17 hands, and that is a bit larger than the average thoroughbred... This horse who won? He looks to be around 16.2 hands,not that tall and I was one of those people who thought the larger the horse, the more likely he was to win. But I and others were oh so wrong... This horse proves the saying " Its not the size of the dog in the fight, but the fight in the dog"... This horse , although not the largest physically has a huge heart, a strong will to win and compete and he is a champion. In the Preakness, I was torn between Bode and the derby winner, I loved Bode because he seemed special and fast but I had a gut feeling that this Preakness was going to be a special race, and even a match race between Bode and Ill Have Another. Boy was I right... As they rounded the far turn into the homestretch,it was a two horse race. Bode and Ill Have Another broke away from Creative Cause by 7 lengths, and everyone held their breath because it appeared for a few seconds that Bode was unstoppable.. He was ahead by 3 lengths , but Ill have Another would not let go and in the last furlong, he shifted into a second gear and beat him by a head.. I was not only stunned but I was amazed. For the first time since 2008 , the Belmont Stakes will be a race for the crown . Will he win it? I believe he will. This little gusty horse has a huge heart, a heart of a champion, a heart of a horse that WANTS to win. Even though he won the derby , he was still seen as ordinary, but in the Preakness he stepped out and did the extraordinary.
In the Belmont , he will be challenged... a very rested Union Rags and Dullahan will be waiting for him. I think it will be a duel between him and Dullahan with Union Rags chasing both of them. I think we will finally have a triple crown but it will be once again decided in the final 1-2 furlongs, but who knows? Mario may release Ill Have Another and we may witness another huge margin of victory... We do not know if the last 2 races have been his best, remember he did win his first race this year by a pretty decent margin. He may be a super horse but Mario may have been saving him for the Belmont. One of the things I remember one of the tv reporters saying has to do with this. I believe he was Jerry Bailey and before the Preakness , right after the derby, he said we do not know how talented this horse is, and its scary. That statement proved true and we are seeing he is really talented. And I believe that after this victory, he should be highly regarded as a true champion, and the real deal.
I will not make a call yet on my prediction until I see the rest of the field, but right now I am feeling a 3 length victory on our hands...
Monday, April 23, 2012
Derby Contender- One longshot - Went the Day Well

Everyone , I am sure remember's last year's derby when another longshot upset the field, and won the derby. His name was Animal Kingdom and before the derby I had heard nothing about him, except that his name was Animal Kingdom. This year, another horse, Went The Day Well will try to follow in his footsteps. He is owned by the same owners, trained by Graham Motion and ridden by , yes you guessed it, Animal Kingdom's jockey ... John Valasquez. He is a very physically attractive horse, and he reminds me of Animal Kingdom. His pedigree is semi - great, with his mother being Tiz Maies Day out of Tiznow and his father being Proud Citizen out of Gone West and can be immediately traced back to Secretariat. His mother shows the most endurance and speed, with Tiznow being known as a top miler and good miler producing sire.
His last win was in the Grade 3 Vinery Stakes... Watching his win in this race makes me believe he could be the next Animal Kingdom. Animal Kingdom, also used the Vinery Stakes as a prep race for the derby and won in a similar fashion to how Went The Day Well won. Animal Kingdom was a closer horse though and Went The Day Well demonstrated in his win that he is a pack horse, can be up near the lead and if ridden well and patiently , he can burst into speed and win by 2-3 lengths. In this race, he broke rather slowly, not well and his jockey managed to keep him in the pack and he rode him very patiently. What impressed me was the fact he was able to sneak through a hole, even though he appeared to be boxed in and was able to lengthen his stride to take the race. According to his pedigree, he should be able to get the distance and if his jockey rides him as patiently as he did in the Vinery, I think this horse could be a serious upsetter, and he could be the next AK? I will definitely keep this horse on my upset watch list...
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
My view on Horse Slaughter..

There has been recent debate about horse slaughter , and whether it is ethical and right. I am 100 percent against horse slaughter, and I wish I could stop it from happening. Horses are special creatures, they have feelings and they get attached to their owners and to those who care for them. They know their name, and there are so many purposes that retired horses can serve. For example , a retired race horse could be retrained to compete as a hunter , dressage or even become a therapy animal for a child that suffers from a disability. I had never thought of a horse becoming someone's food until I read about Ferdinand. Ferdinand was a Ky derby winner in 1986 who was slaughtered in 2002. In his derby win , he came from dead last, like Mine That Bird had. He had been retired in 1989 and was sent to a Japan stud farm sometime in 1994. He is the horse pictured above, when he was a race horse. No one knew what had happened to him until 2002, when it was discovered he had been sent to slaughter by the Japan's breeding farm. He was a derby winner, a BC classic winner, and a beautiful athlete. He wasnt the only major thoroughbred to have been sent to an awful fate- slaughter. Another horse by the name of Exceller, who had beaten Seattle Slew and Affirmed was sent to a Swedish slaughterhouse in 1997 and was slaughtered.
I dont understand why we have the need to slaughter horses, when we slaughter cows, pigs and chickens. I have never tasted horse meat and I hope I never do. These race horses train for 3 years, and win money for their owners and get the best treatment, they work for us! They supply us with entertainment during races, they supply some with company and are companions to young children. I think there are other alternatives to slaughter. I know we have a huge over population problem but we can find careers for those horses. I know one career that is needed desperately is equine therapy horses. Horse slaughter is not a humane process... I dont think many know what goes on in a slaughter house , but I recently watched a video about it and got disgusted. One method they use is electrocution... They stick a electric stick to a horse's head and shock them till they fall down. The transportation to slaughter is twice as bad, with some horses being crammed into a trailer , some being sick and some starving. Just think... Would you want your horse to have to experience that? I think not.. so lets end slaughter!!!
Monday, April 16, 2012
Goodbye Dynaformer.. may his legacy live on

Sad news was reported today, that the great Dynaformer has been pensioned from stallion life. I always loved him, and not only because he was the sire of Barbaro,but because he was special. I have had the honor of meeting this great champion two times in the past 4 years, and my last visit occured during my spring break trip to Ky. I visited him because I knew he was getting old, and I knew he could be pensioned soon and I wanted to have one last chance to see him in his glory. He was not in his stall, but he was outside, hence the picture abover of him in his paddock. I could tell and see that he was not the same horse 2 years before. His coat was thick, his coat was dark and he still had the nasty temperment that he was known to have. While I am sad we not see anymore of his foals being born, I am happy he is able to live out his life at such a beautiful farm such as Three Chimneys. The horse that had the nasty temperment, gets to spend everyday basking in the sunshine, eating green grass and gets to enjoy being a horse. I know we will all miss him as a stallion but he is very fortunate to be surrounded by the people who love and care for him at Three Chimneys. When I visited him in 2010, he was more active and he was full of youth, but like us, he has aged. We can still enjoy his offspring that are on the track and look forward to the 2012 crop that will be born next year . Everyone wanted him to be bred to Zenyatta but that will not occur , but who knows? Maybe one of his foals born next year will be like Barbaro , and maybe claim the elusive triple crown.... Enjoy retirement grand fella, may you get all the treats and attention a champion deserves....
Derby Contender #4- Take Charge Indy

Meet derby contender #4, Take Charge Indy.. I had heard of him prior to the Florida Derby and just looking at his name, I knew he must be a desecendent of the great AP Indy. He is the son of AP Indy and boasts a racing record of 2-2 with a 4th place finish and a 5th place finish. His original jockey was John Graham and more recently he has been taken over by Calvin Borel. Yes, CALVIN BOOOORAAILL.. Under Graham he won 1 race and placed 2nd ,4th and 5th. So far under Borel, he has a 2nd place finish in an allowance race and a 1st place finish in the Florida Derby. This horse has an outstanding pedigree, with his father being AP Indy, and being traced to great names such as Seattle Slew, Secretariate, Bold Ruler. His mother's side is not as outstanding. His mother is Take Charge Lady, out of Dehere.. She placed 2nd in the Apple Blossom, which is run at 1 mile 1/16, placed 2nd in the KY oaks which is run at 1 mile 1/8, placed 2nd in the Gazette which is run at a 1 mile 1/8. She won the Grade 3 Dogwood stakes run at a 1 mile 1/16 and she won the grade 2 Fair Ground Oaks run at 1 mile 1/16. So basically on his mother's side, there were alot of mile 1/16 runners. On his father's side, he boasts 2 Triple Crown winners, who were able to go the 3 distances needed for the crown. AP Indy won at 1 mile in one race, won the Breeders Cup Classic at 1 mile 1/4,won the Belmont Stakes at a mile 1/2, won he Santa Anita derby going a mile 1/8 and other races but these were the big ones. So this horse has a royal pedigree, a pedigree that should allow him to cover all three distances.. But the question is, is he improving? Did the jockey change affect his performance? Was the Florida derby a fluke?. I think this horse has a serious shot at taking the derby, just based on his pedigree and outstanding performance in the Florida derby. In that race, he was able to take the lead and explode in the stretch to win by a length. Given the fact he is improving, and he has Calvin Borel on board, this horse can definitely score top 2 in the derby and possibly , if he has improved and reached the level of maturity needed, he could be our next Triple Crown winner. It will be seen what post position he gets, but I say post 1, or somewhere in the middle should suit him well with Calvin aboard.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Potential Derby champion? Bodemeister

Wasnt yesterday an interesting day of racing? It all began with the two year old champion , Hansen barely losing to Dullhan, then front-running Bodemeister who went off at 2-1 odds, won by an impressive 9 1/2 length win. I had never heard of this horse before yesterday... But obviously Bob Baffert had this little secret weapon of his, under covers for quite some time. I really love these kind of horses, the kind that can lead the whole way and blow up and produce a huge victory with no sign of tiring. Watching the Arkansas derby for the first time, I was telling myself that ok, he has a 2 length lead but there is no way, absolutely no way he can win . But as he rounded the far turn, and headed home, it was as if he found another gear and he seemed to be going faster and faster with each stride, and I even thought I saw his stride increase in length. This horse looks like a decent runner, his conformation is really great. He has a nice head, nice balance and his overall appearance is nice. So who is he? Thats what I was asking myself while watching the race, and I decided to do some research on him and his pedigree. His sire is Empire Maker, and his mother is Untouched Talent. Some notable horses on his father's side include names such as Unbridled and he can be traced back to Northern Dancer and Dr. Fager.. On his mothers's side he can be traced back to Ap Indy,Storm Bird, Storm Cat , Seattle Slew and Secretariat. I am really intrigued by his breeding... mainly because he is not spectacular on his dad's side but strongest on his mother's side. This horse is not a fluke at all. His sire, Empire Maker won the 2003 Florida Derby and went on to win the Wood Memorial which made him a favorite for the 2003 derby. In the derby he placed 2nd behind Smarty Jones, and he later went on to win the 2003 Belmont on a sloppy , yielding track. His mother , Untouched Talent was not as talented as his father, placing second in her only grade 1 race and placing second in her grade 2 and grade 3 races . So do I think he has a chance in the derby? Yes... However, it will be interesting to see what post position he receives. He won the Arkansas derby from post 11, and won impressively but can he repeat that performance in the derby if he is in post 1, or in the middle? I also believe removing his blinkers had an impact on this horse's performance, as this was the case in the San Felipe . In that race, he wore blinkers and was leading for most of the race and only lost to Creative Cause by a quarter of a length. I think without the blinkers, he was and is more focused. I also like his trainer, Bob Baffert who produced 2001 Preakness and Belmont winner, Point Given. He seems to know his horses and always has a trick up his hat. So I will not make a final call on this horse until post position. draw day, but he seems genuine and seems to have the proper pedigree to go the distance.
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